Nezahualcóyotl, Mexico
After working with CAFEMIN, I stayed in Mexico to run a second program with another organization. My community contacts picked me up the next morning for an hour-long drive to the outskirts of la Ciudad de Mexico to Nezahualcóyotl. On the way, we chatted about my experiences, how I launched Around the Worlds and what I hoped to accomplish with the organization.

At last, we arrived at El Pobrecillo and I could hear the kids’ excitement as I finished pumping up the last soccer balls in the car. The kids strode out of the building with matching Bayern Munich kits with their names on the back and El Pobrecillo de Asis on the front. Not only was this super cool, but it also helped me learn their names very quickly… win win!
As we set off for the first group of young kids, the older boys sat on the sideline, like proud older brothers and excited little kids waiting for their turn. The younger boys ran through a series of drills before choosing their take home prizes: a ball and tee-shirt of course!

After a brief beak to catch my breath, the older boys were up. We started with some competitive drills enforcing teamwork, hustle and technique, elements of soccer that are extremely important.
Then, I pulled a trick out of my back pocket – a drill I had learned just a few weeks before from my friends over at the Hartford Lions Soccer Academy. The kids were amazed and wanted to try it themselves.
They loved the drill and ran through it so easily, so I playfully challenged the eldest boy to face off in it. He agreed and we went at it head to head for about 45 seconds before declaring a tie and retreating with smiles on our faces. After our scrimmage, every participant received a ball, tee-shirt, bracelet and bookmark from our sponsors.
We shared an awesome lunch together, which offered a healthy and hearty meal for the boys. I always love sharing meals with the beneficiaries because I get to learn so much about them, their favorite music, soccer players, movies, etc.. My favorite moment of this trip was talking with the eldest boy who I faced off with in the drill. This, our second interaction, was much less competitive than the first. His favorite player is Memo Ochoa, a Mexican national team goalkeeper. He is also a goalie and dreams one day to be just like him.